Managing Customer Engagement

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
customer engagement

Managing customer engagement can be challenging in a number of ways. Are you having difficulty finding the time to be socially engaged with your customers? When we ran our survey earlier this year, that’s what we heard from you!

Then, join us on Friday, October 19, 2018, as Veracity Technologies presents “Managing Customer Engagement for the Busy Entrepreneur.” Jyll Stuart, Founder of Veracity Technologies, will be joined by guest speaker John Jennings, President of Inspired Business Concepts, Inc. John is a certified business performance coach and trainer. He will have tremendous insights into the social communications process. Jyll will discuss the tools she uses to identify client contacts and to manage the communications channel. We’ll start with brief networking over coffee at 8:00 AM. The workshop will begin at 8:30 AM and will be over by 10:30 AM.

Workshop topics will include:

  • Basic time management techniques
  • Surviving the dual plagues of procrastination and multi-tasking
  • Introduction to block scheduling
  • Modeling your ideal customer and finding them on social media
  • Keyword-rich message construction
  • Monitoring your social media conversations

Plus, both John and Jyll will walk you through how they use these techniques in their everyday business operations. This is a must-attend event!

Register for Customer Engagement Workshop

Register now, before the time runs out! Did we mention this is a free event?

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