Learn About Mobile First Strategy

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

According to the Pew Research Center, 77% of US adults have a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011. Correspondingly, tablet computer ownership has gone up to 51%. This increased use of mobile devices has expanded the software development opportunity for business owners. With this in mind, it’s time to focus on a mobile-first strategy.

What is Mobile First?

Mobile-first strategy means that you design your business website with a priority for smartphones and tablets. If your website doesn’t fit the bill, you could be missing out on a tremendous amount of customers! Want to do a quick check? Head on over to Google’s Mobile First Test, enter your website address and click ‘Run Test.’ You’ll get a quick answer plus a list of recommended fixes.

In our experience, it is a much easier process to design websites and applications with this strategy than to come back at a later date and try to force mobile device usability. Not only is the process simpler, but in the long run can be less expensive as well.

Leveraging Mobile First

Do you and your business leaders realize that a mobile-first strategy is game-changing? Here are some key points to start that internal dialog. First, look where technology is headed and try not to live in the past. Explore how natural language devices like Siri and Alexa are storming the market. Could this be leveraged to help your customers in ways you haven’t envisioned? Secondly, imagine how your website can be transformed into a web application to interact with your clients and employees. Finally, think big. If you’re ready to explore how a mobile-first strategy can elevate your business, send us a note to schedule time to chat.

Starting with Mobile First

The most effective way to start is to think in terms of progressive enhancement. Sit down with your web development team and sketch out how your website should look and interact with a mobile device. Don’t worry about colors or images just yet. Think about layout, menu items, and points of interaction. Then, think about the site content. Strive for clear and concise content that will be displayed to your mobile users. Avoid large graphics and small clickable areas. Test on many types of devices before going live.


Factor in how the increase in mobile device use can affect your business. Test your current website to benchmark your current mobile-ready status. Work with your web development team to devise a strategy to focus on being mobile first. Contact Veracity Technologies to learn more about how we can assist you in this process.

For Further Reading

How Technology Has Helped Scale Startups

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