Veracity Technologies is proud to support these local businesses and hopes you will patronize them as well. We believe in the value of relationships and understand that small businesses are the local economy’s backbone. If you want to list your business in our directory, contact us!
Now, more than ever, small businesses face tremendous challenges in today’s economy. Some can conduct business virtually, but others, sadly, have had to close their doors.
If you or your business needs any products or services represented here, please contact a local business first.
We all strive to not just survive, but thrive. By connecting with one of these local businesses, you might just find a new avenue for growth and success.
John Jennings has a passion for helping entrepreneurs, business owners and executives unlock their full potential and experience the joy and personal fulfillment of leading exceptional organizations. I have known John for over 25 years and highly recommend him!
Rita Ernst is a Positivity Influencer extraordinaire. She will partner with you to improve performance, culture, & well-being in your workplace. She is a bet-selling author who has been featured on network television, radio, and printed media.
If your business is weather-dependent, you want the meteorologists at BAMWx on your side. BAMWX provides 24/7 weather forecast consulting to help you make better professional decisions.
Tre Pryor is the leading real estate expert in Louisville. He's an entrepreneur at heart, a small business owner, a memory coach, an IT consultant, and a graphic designer. Tre can help you with logo creation and online brand promotion.
Crystal Adams is QuickBooks Certified in QuickBooks Online, Online Advanced, and Payroll. She is currently onboarding new clients, so visit her website and sign up for a consultation.
Contact us, and let’s chat. We will gladly list you in our directory if you can provide value-added services to Veracity’s clients.
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